Hydradermie Facials

Hydradermie Facials

Hydradermie is a treatment that visibly rejuvenates the skin by restoring the cellular energy of more youthful skin.  It  is a combination of advanced scientific technology and skills of a highly trained beautician to produce the best skin care and treatment outcomes. The skills in Hydradermie in facial treatments will help your clients to live and age better.

You will learn the unique treatments that use mild galvanic currents, nourishing gels, and massage for total skin health.  Our trainers will teach you how to define your beauty objectives and personalize treatment.

You will also learn more about the properties and benefits of Hydradermie in treatments, the latest technology and equipment, and common Hydradermie in treatments such as Ionization, Deep cleansing, Hydration, Oxygenation/purification, antiseptic, and bactericide among others.


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